Head of Faculty: Mr Leon de Miguel, The Green School for Girls
This two year A-level course constitutes an integrated study with a focus on language, culture and society.
In the first year, aspects of the social context are studied, together with aspects of the artistic life in Spanish-speaking countries.
In the second year, further aspects of society are covered, this time focusing on matters associated with multiculturalism, wealth & poverty, the law, etc. You will also study aspects of the political landscape in the Hispanic world by focusing on young people and social trends.
The course fosters a range of transferable skills including communication, critical thinking, research and creativity.
How will it be assessed?
A-level Spanish, two-year linear course. Examining board: AQA
Paper 1 - Reading, listening and writing
2 hours 30 minutes (40%).
All questions are in Spanish, to be answered in Spanish (60 marks). It includes:
-Translation into English; a passage of minimum 100 words (20 marks).
-Translation into Spanish; a passage of minimum 100 words (20 marks).
Paper 2 - Writing
2 hours ( 30%).
Paper 3 - Speaking
21-23 minutes including 5 minutes preparation time (30%).
Where will it lead?
Most universities offer Spanish as a single or a joint honours degree.
Spanish combines well with another modern foreign language or English and any other arts subjects as well as the Sciences. It often provides a background to careers in Law, Journalism, Publishing, Sales and Marketing, Management, Banking, the Diplomatic service, the Travel industry and Secretarial work. Furthermore with business being an ever more global footing employers are looking for people who speak more than one language.
Enrichment opportunities
A one-week visit to Spain, where you will have the opportunity to practise the language and interact with Spanish people.
You will also be able to participate in workshops, cultural events, Spanish-speaking film viewings, etc.
Entry requirements
Spanish GCSE at grade 6 or above.
Recommended reading and viewing
- Film: “Todo sobre mi madre" by Pedro Almodóvar
- Film: "Volver" by Pedro Almodóvar
- Film: "Como agua para chocolate" by Laura Esquivel
- News and current affairs:
- "Volver - Film Study Guide for AS/A-Level Spanish”, by José Antonio García Sánchez & Tony Weston - Hodder Education
- "Como agua para chocolate - Film Study Guide for AS/A-Level Spanish” - Hodder Education
- "España partida en dos - Breve historia de la guerra civil española" by Julián Casanova - Crítica