The Green School Sixth Form

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Head of Faculty: Ms Mead, The Green School for Girls

This course will give you the opportunity to understand how psychologists explain why people do the things they do.


Psychology is the scientific study of the mind and behaviour.

The AQA specification has been designed to be exciting and challenging. The course includes the study of Social influence, Memory, Attachment, Approaches in Psychology, Psychopathology, Research Methods, Schizophrenia, Forensic Psychology, Relationships, Issues and Debates and Bio-Psychology.

How will it be assessed?

 A-level Psychology is a two-year linear course. Examining board: AQA.

  • Paper 1: Introductory Topics in Psychology 2 hours (33.3%)
  • Paper 2: Psychology In Context 2 hours (33.3%)
  • Paper 3: Issues and Options In Psychology 2 hours (33.3%)

Where will it lead?

Psychology complements both the Natural Sciences and the Social Sciences as well as the Humanities, Business and Health and Social Care courses. As an A-level subject, it can lead to countless opportunities and is particularly popular with students wishing to pursue careers in Medicine, Healthcare, Forensics, Criminology, Teaching, Counselling and Therapy.

Enrichment opportunities

Students have a range of opportunities including participation at conferences, trips, and visiting speakers.

Recent opportunities have included a talk at the school by an eating disorders specialist, visits to the Science Museum and London Zoo and attendance at the  Tutor2U Psychology revision conference.

Entry requirements

Grade 6 in GCSE English plus a grade 6 in either GCSE Science or GCSE Maths.