Extended Project (EPQ)
Subject Lead: Mr A O'Reilly, The Green School for Girls
The aim of the course is to independently produce a project on an aspect of your learning that you are passionate about, and wish to research further.
The project may take the form of an extended piece of writing, an artefact, performance, recording or a model prototype.
Throughout this process, you will develop generic skills such as independent learning, critical thinking and reflective practice - skills which can be applied to all subject areas. You will be able to use your initiative, learn university style research techniques through wider reading and application, and develop communication and presentation skills when you demonstrate your knowledge and findings to your chosen audience.
You will develop decision and problem-solving skills through developing your project, and also analytical skills as you plan and extend your ideas.
How will it be assessed?
Extended Project Qualification (EPQ). Examining board: AQA.
This Level 3 course is introduced in the autumn term of Year 12 and completed by the end of the Spring Term in Year 13. The UCAS points you gain are equal to gaining half an A-Level.
Where will it lead?
The Extended Project is highly regarded by all universities; some universities will include the result in their degree offer or offer you lower entry requirements.
The generic element of the course ensures it will support your other A-level courses and provide you with alternative materials to discuss at interview.
Enrichment opportunities
Researching an EPQ can lead to diverse areas of personal interest such as film, design, engineering or fashion and may entail visits to the cinema, theatre, museums etc.
In addition, the record-keeping, researching, evaluation and presentation skills acquired during the course are a valuable enrichment opportunity.
Entry requirements
Level 7 in either GCSE English Language or GCSE English Literature.