The Green School Sixth Form

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Computer Science

Subject Lead: Ms N Mahomade, The Green School for Boys

Computer Science A-level offers an excellent opportunity to develop your skills, knowledge and understanding gathered at GCSE. Computers touch nearly every aspect of our everyday lives. The structure is similar to GCSE with two-exam papers. Paper one is Algorithms and paper two is theory. You will
study topics including the CPU, Memory, Software, data-types and Networks.

The non-examined assessment (programming project) gives the student an opportunity to build on programming skills that they have developed at KS3 & KS4 to solve a suitable practical problem of their own choice, giving them a real experience of project managing a programming task.

How will it be assessed?

A-Level in Computer Science., two-year linear course. Exam board: OCR.

  • Paper 1: On-screen exam 2.5 . hours (40%)  

  • Paper 2: Written exam 2.5 hours (40%)

  • Paper 3: Programming Coursework (20%) 

Where will it lead?

A wise man once said, “A good programmer is a good anything…”

Studying Computer Science isn’t about the knowledge you gain from it, it’s about the way it teaches you to think. Of course, the world of technology has opened a vast number of opportunities to pursue Computer Science and programming as a career, but the psychology that underpins Computer Science, known as “computational thinking”, can be used to achieve great things no matter what you choose to do once you’ve left school. 

Enrichment Opportunities

You will have the opportunity to experience enrichment activities to complement your course such as visiting Bletchley Park or connecting with businesses such as CISCO or SKY. Our new Head of Department will plan enrichment according to the needs of the group.

Entry requirements

Grade 7 in Computer Science GCSE or Grade 7  in Maths GCSE.