The Green School Sixth Form

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Broadening Horizons

The Green School Sixth Form has a unique enrichment programme designed to offer breadth and depth to your Level 3 studies and provide all students with an additional opportunity to gain further skills and qualifications.



This programme offers you a package of enrichment modules which will 

  • prepare you for the academic challenge of Level 3 and beyond
  • help you with practical skills for independent living beyond school life
  • support your UCAS application and, in some cases, earn UCAS points
  • provide opportunities for you to develop your role as student leader
  • support the school community and help you grow and nurture your own personal values

These are some of the modules and courses on offer throughout Year 12 and into 13:


The Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) is a level 3 course that can be studied alongside A-levels or the BTEC Diploma.

The aim of the course is to independently produce a project on an aspect of your learning that you are passionate about, and wish to research further. The project may take the form of an extended piece of writing, artefact, performance, recording or a model prototype.

Throughout this process, you will develop generic skills such as independent learning, critical thinking and reflective practice - skills which can be applied to all subject areas. You will be able to use your initiative, learn university-style research techniques through wider reading and application, and develop communication and presentation skills when you demonstrate your knowledge and findings to your chosen audience.

You will develop decision and problem-solving skills through developing your product, and also analytical skills as you plan and extend your ideas.

This course is introduced in the autumn term of Year 12 and completed by the end of the Spring Term in Year 13. The UCAS points you gain are equal to gaining half an A-level. Please visit the Sixth Form curriculum page for more information.


 This qualification develops generic leadership skills that will be vital in other areas of life.

It allows those who are not sports superstars to take a full and active role in sport and physical activity. It will help increase self-confidence that comes through taking responsibility for own and others’ learning and enjoyment.

The course is fun and practical. It focuses on leading rather than technical ability. The award is a potential stepping stone into employment, further education or training, as well as a good foundation to progress onto other UK awards or qualifications.


 LAMDA exams are about achievement – recognising and rewarding the endeavours of each individual – but they are also about empowerment.

The aim is to provide you with the opportunity to develop the life skills you need to be a success: attributes such as self-confidence and the ability to communicate clearly and present ideas.

The Certificate in Speech and Drama is a great way to progress from a simple graded exam to a more complex, multi-unit qualification. The combination of units offers the opportunity to explore written work, and includes a performance recital and an oral exam – testing key skills alongside formal written English, research ability, memorisation and planning, and structuring material.


The DofE gives you the chance to do something completely new and improve on things you are already doing.

It takes you out of your comfort zone and into a place where you will push yourself and have amazing new experiences. You will build confidence, resilience, skills and friendship groups. And you will have a brilliant time doing it.

Looking forward, the DofE can help you to carve out a better future. Colleges, universities and employers regard a DofE Award highly so it will help to open the right doors for you. If you are keen to get off the sofa and put 100% into something that could change your life, the DofE is for you.

The Duke of Edinburgh awards are a long-running programme designed to improve self-confidence, teamwork and interpersonal skills in young people. This is achieved not only through their famous country expeditions, but through a dedicated period of volunteering in the local community, and the development of specific skills and sporting abilities. The awards are central to our school's aim to strengthen links with the rest of Hounslow, and to put Green School students at the forefront of community cohesion projects. At the Green School we offer the Silver Award to year 12 which we run completely in house and we offer the Gold Award to year 13 with the expedition section being run by an experienced external expedition company.


As a Peter Jones Academy, we are proud to offer the Young Tycoons Competition, in which students conceive the idea for and develop a business from planning to execution. Students learn about budgeting, costing, marketing and selling and gain real life experience to develop entrepreneurial skills, which include:

  • Being creative
  • Problem solving
  • Staying positive and being resilient
  • Listening and understanding
  • Presenting
  • Working in a team
  • Leading

 The Young Tycoons Competition also provides  mentoring schemes for successful applicants, enabling you to network with real life businesses and industries.


If you enjoy academic discussion, working in a team and expressing your opinion, then this is for you. By taking part in this enrichment, you will have the chance to represent the school in the Oxford Schools' Debating League as well as developing key skills in public speaking and communication that will stand you in great stead for uni, the workplace and the wider world.



If you like working with others, meeting new people and, above all, making a difference - you should definitely select this enrichment option. The Community Service group will work together on projects both within school and the wider community - these could include environmental projects, working with younger children and elderly people, fundraising - whatever our community needs, you can contribute. Universities and employers will love seeing this on your CV as it shows that you are outward thinking, compassionate and generous - as well as being willing to go the extra mile to help others.


Do you play an instrument? Or are you a confident singer who enjoys to perform? Music Jam gives you the opportunity to meet with like-minded people and enjoy jamming, playing and improvising - perhaps even composing music. You will have the chance to perform at school concerts and Arts events. Relax, have fun and let the music play!


We believe all students should leave The Green School Sixth Form as evaluative, critically-able and religiously literate young adults.

Our programme works with a Critical Thinking pedagogy and therefore the focus of the sessions is on the students’ skills and thinking, not on teacher-led learning. Sixth Form students engage fully in these sessions, where the primary role of the teacher is to facilitate thinking and debate. Each session focuses on a contemporary issue and can include group research, team challenges, external speakers and debate. Students will develop skills related research, communication and team work as well as their understanding of moral issues.

In the past, the Moral Maze has explored concepts such as:

  • How important is religion to identity?
  • Mindfulness and Well-being from a religious perspective
  • When do beliefs get dangerous? Cults and New Religious Movements
  • How do people experience God? Miracles and Religious Experiences
  • Are our bodies our own to do with whatever we want?
  • Are we responsible for our actions?


By the end of this Sixth Form, many young people will leave home for the first time and live as independent adults, possibly in new and distant locations.

Our PSHCE programme is delivered through the tutorial programme as well as in dedicated PSHCE Fortnights, specifically designed for the Sixth Form. The programme aims to prepare young people to manage their lives now and in their future.  Students are offered opportunities to explore their attitudes, values and beliefs and to develop the skills, language and strategies necessary to manage health, relationship, legal, financial, employment and political issues when they encounter them in their lives.

Increasingly, future employers are asking potential employees not only to describe their key skills and attributes but also to evidence where they have demonstrated competence in applying them, for example describing when they have taken on a variety of roles within a team or led a team to a successful outcome. PSHCE education can provide opportunities to evidence these skills and attributes. Students extend the knowledge and understanding they have been developing throughout their PSHCE education, ready for independent living and the next stage in their education or career.


Our Sixth Form students also have the opportunity to participate in a range of clubs and activities as part of our extra curricular programme. These include, but are not limited to, the Industrial Cadets Gold Crest Award, Oxford Debating Competition, an annual team-building away day, study skills seminars and bespoke enrichment workshops aimed at personal development.


Please see below a video summary of our team-building away day from September 2022:
