Head of Department: Miss Mostafa, The Green School for Girls
A highly creative course where you will fully realise your artistic capabilities by cultivating analytical and critical thinking skills, whilst exploring and developing a range of techniques and processes to produce textile art.
The main element of the course is the Personal Investigation which requires you to produce a portfolio of practical and written work based on personal starting points.
The Externally Set Assignment (ESA) requires you to produce preparatory studies and personal outcomes based on a theme set by AQA.
You will develop:
- Intellectual, imaginative, creative and intuitive capabilities
- Investigative, analytical, experimental, practical and expressive skills using a broad range of media
- Independence of mind in developing, refining and communicating your own ideas
- A deep interest in textiles and art and design
- Knowledge and awareness of real-world contexts and links to creative industries
- Knowledge and awareness of textiles, art and design, media and technologies in contemporary and past societies and cultures.
How will it be assessed?
A-level Art & Design: Textiles is a two-year course. The exam board is AQA.
Component 1: Portfolio. This component is 60% of your A-level.
You will develop work based on an idea, issue, concept or theme, leading to a finished outcome or a series of finished outcomes. The practical elements you select will link to an aspect of contemporary or past artists, designers or photographers, and you will include a written piece which supports your practical work.
Component 2: Externally Set Assignment (ESA). This component is 40% of your A-level. You will have preparatory time and 10 hours to produce your finished outcome.
You will be given a stimulus provided by the exam board, and you will produce work that provides evidence of your ability to work independently. You will present your own personal and meaningful response through a finished outcome.
Where will it lead?
Textiles students have a wide choice of career pathways including bespoke tailoring, theatre and film costume design, interior design, pattern cutting, fabric technologist, fashioner editor, stylist, visual merchandiser. Other career options include university lecturer, art therapist and museum curator. For anyone interested in fashion design, interior design, textile art, fashion illustration or costume design, A-level Textiles is an excellent choice.
During this course you will also develop transferable skills, such as problem-solving, communication and critical thinking which will prepare you for further study or the world of work, regardless of the subject or career you wish to pursue.
Enrichment Opportunities
Visits to galleries, degree fashion shows and exhibitions, museums and participating in workshops.
Entry requirements
Grade 6 in GCSE Textiles.